Available from: 2.0.0
import { DocumentationLegacyPageBlockType } from "@supernovaio/sdk"
The following enumeration cases are available:
- text: Represents a text block.
- heading: Represents a heading block.
- code: Represents a code block.
- unorderedList: Represents an unordered list block.
- orderedList: Represents an ordered list block.
- quote: Represents a quote block.
- callout: Represents a callout block.
- divider: Represents a divider block.
- image: Represents an image block.
- token: Represents a token block (a single token selection).
- tokenList: Represents a token list block (a list of selected tokens).
- tokenGroup: Represents a token group block (a selected single or nested token group).
- shortcuts: Represents a shortcuts block.
- link: Represents a link block.
- figmaEmbed: Represents a Figma embed block.
- youtubeEmbed: Represents a YouTube embed block.
- storybookEmbed: Represents a Storybook embed block.
- genericEmbed: Represents a generic embed block.
- figmaFrames: Represents Figma frames.
- renderCode: Represents a code block for rendering.
- componentAssets: Represents component assets.
- column: Represents a column block.
- columnItem: Represents an item within a column.
- tabs: Represents tabs for organizing content.
- tabItem: Represents an item within tabs.
- table: Represents a table block.
- tableCell: Represents a cell within a table.
- tableRow: Represents a row within a table.
There is also a special type of block, which encapsulates all custom block you have created in the exporter package. Such block will always come with custom type.
Formal definition
enum DocumentationLegacyPageBlockType {
text = "Text",
heading = "Heading",
code = "Code",
unorderedList = "UnorderedList",
orderedList = "OrderedList",
quote = "Quote",
callout = "Callout",
divider = "Divider",
image = "Image",
token = "Token",
tokenList = "TokenList",
tokenGroup = "TokenGroup",
shortcuts = "Shortcuts",
link = "Link",
figmaEmbed = "FigmaEmbed",
youtubeEmbed = "YoutubeEmbed",
storybookEmbed = "StorybookEmbed",
genericEmbed = "Embed",
figmaFrames = "FigmaFrames",
custom = "Custom",
renderCode = "RenderCode",
componentAssets = "ComponentAssets",
column = "Column",
columnItem = "ColumnItem",
tabs = "Tabs",
tabItem = "TabItem",
table = "Table",
tableCell = "TableCell",
tableRow = "TableRow",