Token type

Unique type of the token.

Available from: 2.0.0


                                                            import { TokenType } from "@supernovaio/sdk"


The following enumeration cases are available:

  • color: Represents a color token.
  • typography: Represents a typography token.
  • dimension: Represents a dimension token.
  • size: Represents a size token.
  • space: Represents a space token.
  • opacity: Represents an opacity token.
  • fontSize: Represents a font size token.
  • lineHeight: Represents a line height token.
  • letterSpacing: Represents a letter spacing token.
  • paragraphSpacing: Represents a paragraph spacing token.
  • borderWidth: Represents a border width token.
  • radius: Represents a border radius token.
  • duration: Represents a duration token.
  • zIndex: Represents a z-index token.
  • shadow: Represents a shadow token.
  • border: Represents a border token.
  • gradient: Represents a gradient token.
  • string: Represents a string token.
  • productCopy: Represents a product copy token.
  • fontFamily: Represents a font family token.
  • fontWeight: Represents a font weight token.
  • textCase: Represents a text case token.
  • textDecoration: Represents a text decoration token.
  • visibility: Represents a visibility token.
  • blur: Represents a blur token.

Formal definition

                                                            enum TokenType {
                                                          color = "Color",
                                                          typography = "Typography",
                                                          dimension = "Dimension",
                                                          size = "Size",
                                                          space = "Space",
                                                          opacity = "Opacity",
                                                          fontSize = "FontSize",
                                                          lineHeight = "LineHeight",
                                                          letterSpacing = "LetterSpacing",
                                                          paragraphSpacing = "ParagraphSpacing",
                                                          borderWidth = "BorderWidth",
                                                          radius = "BorderRadius",
                                                          duration = "Duration",
                                                          zIndex = "ZIndex",
                                                          shadow = "Shadow",
                                                          border = "Border",
                                                          gradient = "Gradient",
                                                          string = "String",
                                                          productCopy = "ProductCopy",
                                                          fontFamily = "FontFamily",
                                                          fontWeight = "FontWeight",
                                                          textCase = "TextCase",
                                                          textDecoration = "TextDecoration",
                                                          visibility = "Visibility",
                                                          blur = "Blur",