Available from: 2.0.0
import { DesignSystem } from "@supernovaio/sdk"
- id: The unique identifier of the design system. This ID remains constant and provides a distinct reference to the design system.
- workspaceId: The unique identifier of the workspace that contains the design system.
- name: The name of the design system, providing a human-readable label to identify it easily.
- description: A brief description that outlines the purpose, characteristics, or objectives of the design system. Can be empty.
- isPublic: A boolean value that indicates whether parts of the design system can be accessed by the public, such as through a documentation site. When enabled, it allows for sharing design resources beyond the the users of particular workspace.
- isMultiBrand: A boolean value signaling whether multibrand functionality is enabled for this design system. Even if disabled, each design system still has at least one brand.
- documentationExporterId: The unique identifier of the exporter package used for generating documentation for the design system.
- documentationSlug: The URL slug for accessing the design system's documentation through legacy links.
- documentationUserSlug: An optional URL slug that can be customized by the user, allowing for a user-friendly and memorable link to access the design system's documentation. If set, this slug takes precedent over the default one.
- designSystemSwitcher: An entity responsible for binding multiple design systems together, facilitating seamless navigation and interaction between interconnected design systems within a particular workspace.
- sources: All data sources linked with this design system.