Token group

TokenGroup organizes design tokens into hierarchical structures to ensure more efficient management and referencing.

Available from: 2.0.0


                                                            import { TokenGroup } from "@supernovaio/sdk"


  • id: The persistent identifier of the token group.
  • idInVersion: The version-specific identifier of the token group.
  • brandId: The persistent identifier of the associated brand.
  • designSystemVersionId: The identifier of the design system version the token group is associated with.
  • name: The display name of the token group.
  • description: A brief explanation or overview of the token group's purpose or characteristics.
  • path: A list of segments representing the hierarchical path of the token group.
  • subgroupIds: A list of identifiers for any subgroups contained within this token group.
  • tokenType: The category or type of design tokens that this group primarily contains, such as color, typography, spacing, etc.
  • isRoot: A boolean indicating if this token group is the root of its hierarchy.
  • childrenIds: A list of identifiers for all child entities under this token group, which can include both tokens and subgroups.
  • tokenIds: A list of identifiers for the design tokens directly contained in this token group.
  • parentGroupId: The identifier of the parent token group, or null if this group is a root.
  • sortOrder: A numerical value indicating the token group's position or sequence in a list or grouping.
  • createdAt: The date and time when the token group was first created.
  • updatedAt: The most recent date and time when the token group was updated or modified.