
Read, create, update or delete automation aspects of design systems, such as builds or pipelines.

To use the automation capabilities, access the automation object on the SDK. Through that, you can invoke all automation methods mentioned, like this:

                                                            await sdk.automation.publish({
                                                          designSystemId, versionId

Read methods

Get all pipelines

Fetches all pipelines that were setup in a particular workspace.

                                                            async getPipelines(workspaceId: string): Promise<Array<Pipeline>>

Get all exporter builds

Fetches all builds of pipelines for a given workspace.

                                                            async getExportBuilds(
                                                          workspaceId: string,
                                                          versionId: string
                                                        ): Promise<Array<ExportBuild>>

Get all exporters belonging to workspace

Fetches exporters belonging (were installed at) to a specific workspace.

                                                            async getExporters(workspaceId: string): Promise<Array<Exporter>>

Get exporter properties

Fetches configuration of a specific exporter package in a specific workspace.

                                                            async getExporterConfiguration(
                                                          workspaceId: string,
                                                          exporterId: string,
                                                          designSystemId: string
                                                        ): Promise<Array<ExporterConfigurationProperty>>

Get exporter variants

Fetches all custom block variants of a specific documentation exporter.

                                                            async getExporterBlockVariants(
                                                          workspaceId: string,
                                                          exporterId: string
                                                        ): Promise<Array<ExporterCustomBlockVariant>>

Publish documentation

Publishes documentation by queuing a build on Supernova's server. This build will be processed by an asynchronous CI/CD pipeline. You can request the status of the build with the associated isBeingPublished method.

                                                            async publish(
                                                          to: RemoteWorkspaceVersionIdentifier,
                                                          environment: DocumentationEnvironment
                                                        ): Promise<{
                                                          status: "Queued" | "InProgress" | "Failure"
                                                          jobId: string | null
                                                          exporterId: string | null

Check if documentation is being published

Use this method to check if documentation is currently being published for a specific workspace version and environment. The method returns the status of the publication process, including whether it is "InProgress" or "Idle."

                                                            async isPublishing(
                                                          to: RemoteWorkspaceVersionIdentifier,
                                                          environment: DocumentationEnvironment
                                                        ): Promise<{
                                                          status: "InProgress" | "Idle"
                                                          jobId: string | null
                                                          exporterId: string | null

Get all import jobs in progress

Gets all import jobs that are currently in progress for a specified version of the design system.

                                                            async getImportJobs(
                                                          from: RemoteVersionIdentifier
                                                        ): Promise<Array<ImportJob>>

Get import job details

Gets details of a specific import job for a specified version of the design system.

                                                            async getImportJob(
                                                          from: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
                                                          jobId: string
                                                        ): Promise<ImportJob>

Create/update methods

Schedule import job for Figma sources

Use this method to schedule an import job for Figma sources for a specific version of the design system. You can provide an array of source IDs, and an import job will be created for each source.

                                                            async scheduleImportJobForFigmaSources(
                                                          from: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
                                                          sourceIds: Array<string>,
                                                          dryRun = false
                                                        ): Promise<ImportJob>

Delete methods

Delete pipeline

Deletes a specific pipeline.

                                                            async deletePipeline(workspaceId: string, pipelineId: string): Promise<void>