To manipulate the tokens, access the tokens object on the SDK. Through that, you can invoke all tokens methods mentioned, like this:
await sdk.tokens.deleteToken({
designSystemId, versionId
}, token.idInVersion)
Read methods
Get tokens
Fetches all remote tokens in a specified version with optional filtering.
async getTokens(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
filter?: {
type?: TokenType;
brandId?: string;
): Promise<Array<Token>>
Get token usage
Retrieves all occurrences of a specified token in a version, including its usages in other tokens, components, and documentation pages. This method returns persistent identifiers of tokens, components, and documentation pages containing the specified token.
async getTokenUsage(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
idInVersion: string
): Promise<{
tokens: Array<string>;
components: Array<string>;
documentationPages: Array<string>;
Fetch token groups
Fetches all remote token groups in a version with optional filtering. Use this method to retrieve token groups from a specific design system version, with filtering options based on type or brand.
async getTokenGroups(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
filter?: {
type?: TokenType;
brandId?: string;
): Promise<Array<TokenGroup>>
Get token themes
Fetches all remote themes in a version. This method retrieves all themes in the specified design system version.
async getTokenThemes(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier
): Promise<Array<TokenTheme>>
Get token properties
Retrieves all remote property definitions for tokens. Use this method to fetch all property definitions in the specified design system version related to tokens.
async getTokenThemes(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier
): Promise<Array<TokenTheme>>
Get token property values
Retrieves all remote property values for tokens.
async getTokenThemes(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier
): Promise<Array<TokenTheme>>
Get token data views
Retrieves all remote property views for tokens. This method fetches all property views in the specified design system version related to tokens.
async getTokenDataViews(
from: RemoteVersionIdentifier
): Promise<Array<ElementDataView>>
Create/update methods
Create token
Creates a remote token in a version, assigning a persistent ID to the token. This method creates a new remote token in the specified design system version and adds it to a token group. The parentId parameter is the ID of the group to which the token is added.
async createToken(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
token: Token,
parentId: string
): Promise<{
id: string;
idInVersion: string;
Create local token
Creates a local token without an associated remote ID. This token must be created remotely using createToken. Use this method to create a new local token of the specified type with default values. The token will not have a remote ID until created remotely.
createLocalToken<T extends TokenType>(
tokenType: T,
versionId: string,
brandId: string,
properties: Array<ElementProperty>
): TokenTypeMapToken[T]
Create local theme override
Creates a local token override without an associated remote ID. This method creates a local token override for a specific theme without an associated remote ID. It is used to customize token properties for a theme.
createLocalThemeOverride<T extends AnyToken>(
theme: TokenTheme,
baseToken: T
): T
Create token group
Creates a remote token group in a version, assigning a persistent ID to the group. Use this method to create a new remote token group in the specified design system version and add it to another token group. The parentId parameter is the ID of the group to which the new group is added.
async createTokenGroup(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
group: TokenGroup,
parentId: string
): Promise<{
id: string;
idInVersion: string;
Create local token group
Creates a local token group without an associated remote ID.
tokenType: TokenType,
versionId: string,
brandId: string
): TokenGroup
Update token
Updates a remote token in a version.
async updateToken(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
token: Token
): Promise<void>
Update token group
Updates a remote token group in a version.
async updateTokenGroup(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
group: TokenGroup
): Promise<void>
Update token property value
Updates or creates a remote token property value.
async updateTokenPropertyValue(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
newValue: string,
forToken: Token,
forProperty: ElementProperty
Resize token column
Resizes a specific token column in a property view.
async updateResizeTokenColumn(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
view: ElementDataView,
column: ElementDataViewColumn,
newWidth: number
): Promise<void>
Reorder token column
Moves a column to a new index and reorders all other columns around it in a property view.
async updateReorderTokenColumn(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
view: ElementDataView,
column: ElementDataViewColumn,
newIndex: number
): Promise<void>
Create local token theme
Creates a local token theme without an associated remote ID.
createLocalTokenTheme(versionId: string, brandId: string): TokenTheme
Create token theme
Creates a remote token theme in a version, assigning a persistent ID to the theme.
async createTokenTheme(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
theme: TokenTheme
): Promise<{
id: string;
idInVersion: string;
Delete methods
Delete token property value
Deletes a remote token property value.
async deleteTokenPropertyValue(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
valueId: string
): Promise<void>
Delete token property
Deletes a remote token property and removes all associated values.
async deleteTokenProperty(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
propertyIdInVersion: string
): Promise<void>
Delete token
Deletes a remote token from a version.
async deleteToken(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
tokenIdInVersion: string
): Promise<void>
Ungroup token group
Deletes a remote token group and adjusts the token group tree by moving subgroups to the parent group. This method does not delete the contents of the group.
async ungroupTokenGroup(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
tokenGroupIdInVersion: string
): Promise<void>
Delete token group
Deletes a remote token group and all its descendants, including tokens and subgroups. This method will remove all items (groups and tokens) underneath the deleted group.
async deleteTokenGroup(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
tokenGroupToDelete: TokenGroup,
tokens: Array<Token>,
tokenGroups: Array<TokenGroup>
): Promise<void>
Delete token theme
Deletes a remote token theme, including all theme overrides and disconnection from assigned columns.
async deleteTokenTheme(
to: RemoteVersionIdentifier,
idInVersion: string
): Promise<void>
Compute methods
Compute tokens by applying themes
Resolves tokens by applying themes to them and retrieves a new token set where values correctly correspond to the applied theme.
async computeTokensByApplyingThemes(
tokens: Array<Token>,
themes: Array<TokenTheme>
): Promise<Array<Token>>
Compute group trees
Separates groups by types and organizes them into a map.
async computeGroupTrees(
groups: Array<TokenGroup>
): Promise<Map<TokenType, Array<TokenGroup>>>