The most important part of the entire integration is the mapping between Supernova and Figma Tokens data. Because the token structures within Tokens Studio and your Supernova setup can be very complex, you must clearly describe your intention as to how to map the data from one place to another.
You must do so by providing a configuration JSON file called supernova.settings.json with all the mapping inside. Here is an example of how your settings might look:
"mode": "single-file",
"mapping": [
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Light",
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": null
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Dark",
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark theme"
"settings": {
"dryRun": false,
"verbose": false,
"preciseCopy": false
The following attributes for the settings file are available and must be provided:
Signifies synchronization mode. Use single-file for syncing from single file, and multi-file for syncing from a directory.
Changes how the synchronization behaves. Following attributes are available:
- dryRun (optional, default: false) allows you to test your synchronization without actually writing to the workspace. We recommend enabling this option while you are configuring your setup.
- verbose (optional, default: false) allows you to get detail log of what is happening with your data, such as how many tokens were updated, deleted etc.
- preciseCopy (optional, default: false) allows you to synchronize tokens fully
The most important part of the settings file is mapping. Mapping is an Array of rules FOR how to map data from Tokens Studio to Supernova. Take the following map:
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark theme",
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Light",
Mapping such as this can be summarized by saying: Take all the tokens from Tokens Studio included in the theme "Brand A - Light" and sync them with the Supernova brand "default", under the token theme "Dark theme". You can define as many of these combinations as you want in the settings file. The keys in settings correspond to the following data in Supernova:

Brand: Signifies the Supernova brand you want to sync data with and corresponds to supernovaBrand and is required. Both brand name or brand ID are valid value options.
Value: This is the base value of tokens. In Supernova, each token must have a value and can optionally have an unlimited number of themes that override that value. If you, for example, have both light and dark themes in your Tokens Studio definitions, then you would map light into the base value for tokens and dark into a dark theme. To map the base value of tokens, set supernovaTheme to null.
Theme: This is the theme override for tokens. You don't have to provide values for all the tokens and only overrides with different values than the base token value will be synchronized. Fill supernovaTheme with the name of the Supernova theme you would like to write your tokens into.
Finally, you have to provide the data you want to synchronize with the set combination of supernovaBrand/supernovaTheme. Here, you have two options:

(1) if you are using themes, you can select a specific theme to use as data. You can select exactly one theme per mapping. Fill tokensTheme with the name or ID of the Tokens Studio theme you would like to write to Supernova.
(2) if you are not using themes, you can select combination of sets to use as data. You can select as many sets as you want, similar to how you select them within the Tokens Studio plugin itself. Fill tokenSets with Array of names of sets you have defined within Tokens Studio plugin. You can use as many sets as you want per each mapping.
mapping examples
Here are few mapping examples with an explanation of what each one does:
1. Take tokens from 'Brand A - Light' theme defined in FT plugin and write them to Supernova brand called 'Default' as base token values.
2. Take tokens from 'Brand A - Dark' theme defined in FT plugin and write them as overrides to theme called 'Dark'.
"mapping": [{
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Light",
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": null
}, {
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Dark",
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark"
If you are not using themes, you can substitute them with combination of sets:
1. Combine tokens from (global, light) sets defined in FT plugin and write them to Supernova brand called 'Default' as base token values.
2. Combine tokens from (global, dark) sets defined in FT plugin and write them as overrides to theme called 'Dark'.
"mapping": [{
"tokenSets": [
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": null
}, {
"tokenSets": [
"supernovaBrand": "Default",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark"
Finally, you can configure much more sophisticated combinations, for example to synchronize multiple brands and multiple themes together:
1. Take tokens from 'Brand A - Light' theme defined in FT plugin and write them to Supernova brand called 'Main Brand' as base token values.
2. Take tokens from 'Brand A - Dark' theme defined in FT plugin and write them as overrides to Supernova brand called 'Main Brand', to theme called 'Dark'.
3. Take tokens from 'Brand B - Light' theme defined in FT plugin and write them to Supernova brand called 'Alternate Brand' as base token values.
4. Take tokens from 'Brand B - Dark' theme defined in FT plugin and write them as overrides to Supernova brand called 'Alternate Brand', to theme called 'Dark'.
"mapping": [{
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Light",
"supernovaBrand": "Main Brand",
"supernovaTheme": null
}, {
"tokensTheme": "Brand A - Dark",
"supernovaBrand": "Main Brand",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark"
}, {
"tokensTheme": "Brand B - Light",
"supernovaBrand": "Alternate Brand",
"supernovaTheme": null
}, {
"tokensTheme": "Brand B - Dark",
"supernovaBrand": "Alternate Brand",
"supernovaTheme": "Dark"
Keep in mind that both Brand and Theme must be defined in Supernova before you can write into it, otherwise the sync command will throw an error stating that no such brand exists.
After you have configured your mapping, go ahead and run the sync command.