We've filled Supernova with features that help developers with design systems work faster. Exporters —packages that deliver production code, resources, images, etc. to your codebases — are one of those features.
While we provide an extensive range of pre-built exporters for most major platforms, we also recognize the importance of customization to cater to unique needs. So how do you know when to use the default exporters out of the box and when to build a new one?
Using exporters out of the box
With our dedicated exporter store and the library of default exporters, many developers find what they need right off the shelf. These exporters:
- Save time: They're ready-to-use, saving you the effort of developing one.
- Are reliable: They're developed and vetted by the Supernova team and the community. They are battle tested and robust.
- Cover common needs: Exporters in Supernova store are built to covert common cases, so the likelihood of fitting the codebase is very high.
In cases where a pre-existing exporter matches your needs, building a new one is not the most efficient use of your time and resources.
Customizing existing exporters
Sometimes, you might find an exporter that almost meets your needs but requires a bit of tweaking.
In such cases, we recommend cloning and modifying the exporter: take an existing package that is close to what you need and adjust it to suit your specific requirements. This gives you a huge head start since only very small changes are needed to make the output just right.
Building from scratch
In rare cases, you may not find an exporter that addresses your needs. This can happen when you're developing for a unique, proprietary technology that is specific to your company.
In that case, you can build an exporter from the ground up, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your specific needs. The export engine gives you full access to the design system data in structured form through our powerful SDK so you are only limited by your imagination.