
Read, create, update or delete workspaces you have access to.


To manipulate workspaces, access the workspaces object on the SDK. Through that, you can invoke all workspace methods mentioned, like this:

                                                            const memberships = await sdk.workspaces.memberships(userId)

Read methods

Fetch a workspace

Fetches a specific workspace using its ID. Returns the full workspace object.

                                                            async deleteWorkspaceAvatar(workspaceId: string): Promise<void>

Fetch user's workspaces

Fetches all workspaces a user has access to.

                                                            async workspaces(userId: string): Promise<Array<Workspace>>

Fetch user's memberships

Fetches all memberships a user is part of. Each membership contains workspace and user role.

                                                            async memberships(userId: string): Promise<Array<Membership>>

Fetch workspace user memberships

Fetches all users that are part of a specific workspace. Each user contains their role as well.

                                                            async userMemberships(workspaceId: string): Promise<Array<UserMembership>>

Fetch subscription product features

Fetches subscription product features.

                                                            async subscriptionProductFeatures(): Promise<SubscriptionProductFeatures>

Fetch access control lists

Fetches access control lists.

                                                            async acls(): Promise<Acl>

Validate workspace handle availability

Validates if a given handle is available for use.

                                                            async validateIsWorkspaceHandleAvailable(handle: string): Promise<boolean>

Fetch workspace onboarding status

Fetches workspace onboarding status using its ID.

                                                            async workspaceOnboarding(workspaceId: string): Promise<WorkspaceOnboarding>

Fetch workspace IP whitelist settings

Fetches workspace IP whitelist settings using its ID.

                                                            async workspaceIPWhitelistSettings(workspaceId: string): Promise<WorkspaceIPWhitelistSettings | null>

Fetch workspace npm registry settings

Fetches workspace npm registry settings using its ID.

                                                            async workspaceNPMRegistrySettings(workspaceId: string): Promise<WorkspaceNPMRegistrySettings | null>

Fetch workspace SSO settings

Fetches workspace Single Sign-On (SSO) settings using its ID.

                                                            async workspaceSSOSettings(workspaceId: string): Promise<WorkspaceSSOSettingsUpdateModel | null>

Fetch workspace invitations

Fetches all invitations that are part of a specific workspace.

                                                            async workspaceInvitations(workspaceId: string): Promise<Array<WorkspaceInvitation>>

Create/update methods

Create a workspace

Creates a new workspace. The user who creates the workspace becomes its owner.

                                                            async createWorkspace(name: string, handle?: string): Promise<Workspace>

Update workspace profile

Updates workspace profile for a specific workspace.

                                                            async updateWorkspaceProfile(workspaceId: string, update: WorkspaceProfileUpdateModel): Promise<void>

Test IP whitelist settings

Tests the accessibility of IP allowlist settings for a workspace.

                                                            async testIpWhitelistSettings(workspaceId: string, ipWhitelistSettings: WorkspaceIPWhitelistSettingsUpdateModel): Promise<{ accessible: boolean }>

Update workspace onboarding

Updates workspace onboarding state for a specific workspace.

                                                            async updateWorkspaceOnboarding(workspaceId: string, update: WorkspaceOnboardingUpdateModel): Promise<void>

Update workspace avatar

Updates workspace avatar for a specific workspace.

                                                            async updateWorkspaceAvatar(workspaceId: string, avatar: File): Promise<void>

Update workspace SSO settings

Updates workspace Single Sign-On (SSO) settings for a specific workspace.

                                                            async updateWorkspaceSSOSettings(workspaceId: string, update: WorkspaceSSOSettingsUpdateModel): Promise<void>

Update workspace IP whitelist settings

Updates workspace IP whitelist settings for a specific workspace.

                                                            updateWorkspaceIPWhitelistSettings(workspaceId: string, ipWhitelistSettings: WorkspaceIPWhitelistSettingsUpdateModel): Promise<void>

Update workspace npm registry settings

Updates workspace npm registry settings for a specific workspace.

                                                            async updateWorkspaceNPMRegistrySettings(workspaceId: string, npmRegistrySettings: WorkspaceNPMRegistrySettingsUpdateModel): Promise<void>

Delete methods

Delete a workspace

Deletes a specific workspace. This action is irreversible and can only be performed by the workspace owner.

                                                            async deleteWorkspace(workspaceId: string): Promise<void>

Delete workspace avatar

Deletes the avatar of a specific workspace. This action is irreversible.

                                                            async deleteWorkspaceAvatar(workspaceId: string): Promise<void>

Delete workspace npm registry settings

Deletes the npm registry settings for a specific workspace.

                                                            async deleteWorkspaceNPMRegistrySettings(workspaceId: string): Promise<void>